
Why wear a mask!

 I walk into places like Walmart or my gym and I want to just scream at these people wearing mask. I get so irate that they are following the agenda that is trying to take away our identity and our freedom! All I keep thinking is what is wrong with these people! Don’t they know that the mask are actually making them sick. Do they really think it’s protecting them! I did my research and all my research says that the mass do not protect you from getting the virus or any virus. Scientists and doctors have stated this but they have been silenced. Threatened with their jobs some even lost the jobs. Even ordinary people have done experiments to prove that the master not good. If people would just use the common sense they would realize turn up the touch some thing it was actually infected with a virus and then touch their face to take the mask off a put it on they're actually infecting themselves. I wish people would just use common sense and do the research but I have. God help us all i